24 Aug 2022
Tim Overton

A BESS community - looking back at Modo On The Roof

A BESS community

The turn-out, conversations, and energy of Modo On The Roof was testament to a growing and excited community focussed on transforming the electricity system in Great Britain.

As our first event on this scale we’re incredibly thankful to the team at Modo who organised and delivered the evening, but also all of you who came and made it worthwhile staying.

A photo of the roof terrace with all of the GB battery energy storage community
Big shout out to Leah (centre) for organising Modo On The Roof

If you missed it or just want a reminder then here’s a short and cheesy video...

A look back at Modo On The Roof

If you made it to Modo On The Roof then hopefully you’ve been sent some photos. Here are some of our favourites:

Worth mentioning

We launched 2 new initiatives at Modo On The Roof:

The BESS Jobs

As a community we need to be attracting and retaining the best people for the space. We know that there are incredible companies working in the space and the more we can do to advertise opportunities the better for everyone.

The BESS Jobs is a free, dedicated job board focussed purely on talent acquisition for companies in the battery energy storage industry. Please check it out.

Signal - Our battery revenue projection

There has never been a greater need to build energy storage as there is right now.

Our battery revenue projection has been produced to deliver insight into the next 3 years of battery revenues. Built purely for battery energy storage, using our existing understanding of commercialisation, Signal enables its users to build better business strategies.

If you’ve not spoken to the Modo team about Signal then please get in touch, we’d love to chat.

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