
23 May 2024
Ysabelle SwanYsabelle Swan

Podcast: Ask Modo - Mailbag episode #1

We love talking about battery energy storage and markets in the office so why not open the floor to our listeners? Ever wondered what the end game is for battery storage, how AI is changing optimisation strategies or what a new government could mean for bess projects?
In our ‘mailbag’ series, we’ll answer your questions on a wide range of subjects. If you have a question for the Modo Energy team, as them here.

In the first of our mailbag episodes, Modo Energy’s, Ed Porter and Shaniyaa Holness-McKenzie answer your questions. Over the conversation, they discuss:

  • The recent advancements in storage technology and where we are seeing them being adopted in practice.
  • How AI is changing the way battery energy storage systems are optimised.
  • Interconnectors and how increased renewable penetration in all countries will impact revenues.
  • What a change of government could mean for batteries energy storage.
  • and much, much more.

Mentioned in this episode

  • Ask us a question - We’d love to hear from you.
  • CATLs announcement of its grid-scale battery offering - TENER
image of a CATL containerised BESS on a moonscape at night

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About Modo Energy

Modo Energy provides benchmarking, forecasts, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place.

Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain and ERCOT.

All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.