15 Apr 2021
Tim Overton

Why does being Product-led matter? I want to be sold to!

I’ll often claim that when Modo started, it was ‘Product-led’ - but I’m an idiot.


We had a free trial. Nobody really knew about it, and we definitely didn’t try to change that. At its best, the free trial was a token towards Modo being a software as a service (SaaS) solution. But at its worst, it was a blocker to potential users who were forced to dive in too deep with the only guiding hand being there to make sure we took their credit card details.

More than just a free trial...

The best and most successful companies have always had a focus on the customer. At its heart, we believe that leading with our product does exactly this. Being product-led encourages all of our internal functions, whether marketing, sales, design, or engineering, to be viewed through the lens of how our users experience us - our product.

While we believe that a free trial is a really helpful way to expose users to our product, it has to be more than just the trial. Our product leads all interactions, from user onboarding to user success.

Why should you care about Product-led?

Although the Modo Platform is at the foundation of our product, we believe that ‘product’ reaches far further. At Modo, the product includes any content that is accessible by our users or the public. What you’re reading right now - it’s part of our product.

This approach means that before you’re even on the Platform, you can get a taste of what Modo’s all about. It also means that every business decision we make at Modo is made with you in mind. It’s the reason we moved to monthly flexible subscriptions, it’s the reason you can add as many teammates to your subscription as you need, it’s the reason we value our landing pages as much as our paid features, and hopefully, it helps you understand what Modo’s all about.

Will I ever see you again?

Although we’re aiming to lead interactions with our product, it doesn’t mean we’re losing the personal touch. We recognise that there’s a point where it’s easier to have a real conversation for each interaction.

All of our products have ways to get in touch quickly (whether live messenger or email). We love engaging with our users and the wider community and are always happy to schedule a call.

See it for yourselves...

We’re a long, long way from perfect. But we’re super excited about our ‘new’ approach and think it will make a massive difference to our users’ experiences on the Platform and whenever they interact with Modo.

Hopefully, the changes we’re bringing to Modo are as exciting to you as they are to us. Whether you already subscribe, are thinking of joining, or just watching for now - we’d love to hear what you think...

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