09 Nov 2023
Ysabelle Swan

Podcast: Demand side response with Alastair Martin

Demand side response provides huge support in balancing Britain's electricity system. Flexitricity have been instrumental in shaping the service over the last two decades.

Alastair Martin discusses demand side response

Alastair Martin, Chief Strategy Officer at Flexitricity has seen monumental changes in the markets over his career and in this episode, Quentin and Alastair discuss:

  • The history of demand side response and Flexitricity’s part in it.
  • How Flexitricity are using grid-scale storage in their strategy.
  • Mandatory Frequency Response and potential issues it causes for batteries wanting to enter the service.
  • How being a Virtual Lead Party has changed the way balancing services work.
  • Alastair’s thoughts for the future of the markets.

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About our guest

Flexitricity are pioneers of demand side response, helping to reduce emissions, secure energy supplies, generate revenue for their customers and help all consumers across Britain to save money by providing a wide range of services. For more information about what they do, head over to their website.

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