29 Mar 2022
Tim Overton

Battery insights for free - Modo lets everyone in

Collecting together information is never easy.

It doesn’t matter what field you work in - there are always unexpected barriers, pieces of the puzzle missing, seemingly opposing views, all needing to be sorted and properly understood.

Like this lego person, building a full understanding of battery commercialisation can be difficult
Photographer: Jackson Simmer | Source: Unsplash

Our free plan

When we launched our free plan last year (2021), we planned to provide people working in the battery energy storage industry with a tool that would fix some of those issues. Bringing publicly available information and data that had previously sat on various different platforms/portals/websites, into a single ecosystem - all in one place.

Providing insights into how battery energy storage is being commercialised remains at the focus of everything we do.

However, the energy industry is a complex environment and there is huge amounts of cross-over. We’ve found interest in our data and insights from areas of the industry we’d never expected.

Unregistered access

So why not make it easier for people to get their hands on Modo’s insights!? Our latest release (7.0!) sees a huge part of Modo moving in-front of the sign up wall.

This will enable anyone, whether or not they are a registered user, to access Modo content. From what’s happening on the system and market data, to The Energy Academy and The Podcast. All of it for free, and all of it shareable, accessible, and easy to find!

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