08 Jul 2024
Tim Overton

Tracking your Portfolio

Staying on top of all of the information you need to fully understand an asset is difficult. But staying on top of a whole portfolio of assets is (fairly obviously) a way bigger challenge.

On our mission to enable the teams working on battery energy storage to make better decisions, faster, we’ve tried hard to make Modo Energy as easy-to-use as possible.

But until now, when you wanted to see details of all of the assets relevant to you, it wasn’t easy.

When Portfolio launches, our aim will be to bring all of the key metrics on your projects into a single interface...

Portfolio: a single source of truth for your team

A view of Portfolio on Modo Energy
Bring together information from across Modo Energy and your business into a single view

Portfolio is a library. A reference library for your whole team to lean on to promote alignment and consistency across your business when you’re planning how to resource your battery energy storage projects.

Gone are the days of storing information about your assets in separate, difficult to maintain and track folders and systems. You can now see all of the key information in one place, for your whole team to access.

More than just assets - a portfolio of projects

In the past, we’ve had a focus on operational assets. This is still the case. But we understand that many of our users are also looking at a large number of prospective projects.

Portfolio also acts as a library for these projects. So that your whole team can quickly see how the expected revenues for each project line up, and how those assets would be performing today if they were operational.

A view of pre-operational assets

Simulated revenue performance

Comparing against the BESS Index enables you to understand performance against the competition. Comparing against a Plan (a forecast) enables you to understand performance against expectations.

But if you stop here then there’s an angle you’re missing. Comparing the performance of your portfolio to simulated revenue capture enables you to understand performance against the overall opportunity.

Comparison of Capenhurst's revenues against an Intraday simulation.

A holistic view of your portfolio’s performance

We’re running quickly at getting Portfolio ready for general release. The feature will only be available to our paying Pro subscribers. If you want a demo or to speak to us about how we could improve what you’ve seen already then we’d love to chat.

You can schedule a call with our team here.

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