27 Oct 2022
Ysabelle Swan

REMA: reinventing markets - a special episode of Modo: The Podcast

The Review of Electricity Market Arrangements - or REMA - is turning energy markets on their heads. But what is it, what does it involve, and what does it mean for the energy industry at large?

Ed, Robyn, and Alex discuss the implications of REMA.


In this special all-Modo episode of the podcast, Ed Porter (Chief Commercial Officer) takes over as guest host - to chat with Robyn Lucas (Chief Analytics Officer) and Alex Done (Head of Research) about all things REMA. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

  • The changes being considered for wholesale energy markets - at national, zonal and nodal levels.
  • How current dispatch arrangements might change in the future.
  • The evolving support mechanisms for renewables and capacity procurement.
  • How the UK will support longer-duration energy storage.
  • And evolution vs. revolution - how do we want the industry to look in a post-REMA world?

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Spotify - How REMA is reinventing markets

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If you’ve got any ideas for future guests - or you think you’ve got something super interesting to tell the world - don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Apple Podcasts - how REMA is reinventing markets

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Modo is the all-in-one Asset Success Platform for battery energy storage. It combines in-depth data curation and analysis, asset revenue benchmarking, and unique research reports - to ensure that owners and operators of battery energy storage can make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain.

Want to learn more about REMA? Check out Ed’s recent article on the potential impacts on battery energy storage.

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