29 Jun 2023
Ysabelle Swan

Modelling the future with Pete Tickler and Genna Boyle

As more atypical energy players enter the space, the need for tools to support capital entering into projects is ever growing.

Modelling the Future with Pete Tickler and Genna Boyle

In today’s episode Quentin chats to Pete Tickler (CPO & Co-Founder) and Genna Boyle (Director of UK & Europe) from Gridcog. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

  • The differences across markets globally and what we can learn from them.
  • ‘Community assets’ and how these can help make the most of under-utilized connections.
  • Sector linkage - how atypical players are now moving into the energy sphere and what the future looks like in this increasingly linked world.
  • Network price signals, a look at double sided markets and why they are imperative in the transition.
  • And of course - Gridcog’s role in all of this.

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About our guest

Gridcog are on an environmental mission to help organizations transition to a decentralized and decarbonized energy future. Their platform enables multi-market, multi-site, and multi-asset energy project simulation, optimisation, and tracking.
For more information on what Gridcog do -head to their website.

About Modo

Modo is the all-in-one Asset Success Platform for battery energy storage. It combines in-depth data curation and analysis, asset revenue benchmarking, and unique research reports - to ensure that owners and operators of battery energy storage can make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain.

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