
12 Dec 2024
Ysabelle SwanYsabelle Swan

Podcast: Hydropower and long-duration energy storage with Kate Gilmartin

Hydropower is a renewable, reliable source of energy that also offers long-duration, high-capacity storage solutions. From tidal range systems to pumped hydro, hydropower encompasses a range of proven technologies with predictable performance and a track record of durability. The question now is: what must change to fully harness the potential of these invaluable energy assets?

In this episode, Kate Gilmartin, Chief Executive at the British Hydropower Association, joins Ed Porter to discuss the different types of hydropower and the role of this technology in long duration energy storage. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:

  • The differences between the different hydropower technologies.
  • The evolving role of pumped hydro with the rise of renewable energy sources.
  • Importance of the technology in local energy solutions and grid resilience.
  • Exploration of the challenges in developing new pumped hydro projects, including investment and planning hurdles.
  • How the cap and floor mechanism provides a potential solution for investment security.

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About our guest

The British Hydropower Association (BHA) is the leading trade membership association solely representing the interests of the UK hydropower industry. Striving to ensure that the full potential and associated economic and community benefits are fully realised, the BHA is open to all types of organizations, with the aim of driving growth in the sector by engaging, influencing and promoting hydropower, tidal range and pumped storage hydro as proven, reliable, renewable power, providing critical infrastructure for achieving net zero and energy security. For more information on what the BHA do, check out their website.

About Modo Energy

Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place. Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets.

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