10 Dec 2021
Nima Tabatabai

Dynamic Containment, Power Exchanges & more

Our latest product release is a significant one - there are major updates to two key market pages, plus a whole new way to rank our Battery Leaderboard.

Dynamic Containment

The Dynamic Containment (DC) market has been evolving since its launch in October 2020. In the last quarter, we saw the launch of a second DC service (high-frequency DC, to run alongside the existing low-frequency service), plus a move to EFA block procurement (rather than daily). Now that the market rules look stable for the foreseeable, we have revamped our DC page so that it provides the most valuable insights into this important revenue stream.

Dynamic containment clearing price and volume cleared
Our new price and volume graphs for DCL and DCH.

With these improvements, you can now:

  • Identify patterns and trends in the market by viewing up to seven days of price and volume data at EFA block granularity.
  • Understand which operators have which market share based on revenues (rather than volumes).
  • Visualise how DCL and DCH pricing and volume compare against historic DC, Monthly FFR and Weekly FFR (for the last 12 months).
  • Have direct access to our Related Insights articles about DC.
  • Download Results by Unit, a Results Summary, and Block Orders data, either through our platform or through our API.
Dynamic Containment - Revenues
Our new revenue chart and related Insights carousel.

Power Exchanges

With a number of wholesale market price spikes taking place since September of this year, the revenue opportunities for BESS in these markets have increased. Our new Power Exchanges page (an iteration on our previous Intraday page) is designed to help our users better understand short- and long-term trends, in both the Day-Ahead (Nordpool) and Intraday (EPEX Spot) markets.

Power Exchanges Trend Chart
Our new Power Exchanges page.

With these improvements, you can now:

  • View prices for the latest day, broken down into industry-standard Base, Peak, and Off-Peak periods.
  • Compare Intraday and Day-Ahead prices over the past day (short-term trend) or year (long-term trend).

Choice of Leaderboard ranking by rated power (MW) or energy capacity (MWh)

This feature is one that we have received a huge amount of requests for from our users. In a dynamic BESS market that is trying to learn the value of longer-duration systems, it makes sense to provide users with the option of viewing asset revenue performance based on rated power or energy capacity. We enabled the functionality in our last release, but it was a bit hidden - we have now made it fully visible and easy to switch between a Leaderboard normalised on MW or MWh.

Leaderboard Preview
You can now toggle between £/MW and £/MWh on our Leaderboard.

Thanks to all who provided feedback about this feature. We look forward to hearing all of the new insights that can be drawn from our Leaderboard when viewed through a £/MWh lens.

Avid users will note other small tweaks and improvements to the platform, including a more easily accessed log-out button - not that we ever want you to log out of Modo! 🙃

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