08 Feb 2022
Neil Weaver

Neil’s Top Five Phase Insights

Since I joined Modo in June 2021, I’ve been lucky enough to work on loads of fantastic content. Some of that has taken the form of written pieces, and some of it video. Some of it I’ve written myself, and some I’ve helped others edit. With the integration of Phase - Modo’s new media network - into the platform, now seems as good a time as any to take stock of my time so far at Modo. With that in mind, I’ve put together a Top Five (of sorts) of my favourite pieces of content we’ve published.

Please watch the video below to find out why I love these particular Insights. Alternatively, you can read on (even further below) to find links to the pieces themselves. Enjoy!

Neil’s Top Five Phase Insights

Find these Insights in Phase

Untangling the impacts of BESS duration - In this piece, Imrith examined the impacts of battery duration on revenues across multiple markets. This was a piece that loads of people asked us for. That in itself would earn it a Top Five spot - it’s indicative of how we try to produce features and content that our customers want to see. However, it also did a great job of explaining why certain batteries are more suited to certain markets. For those who want to know about the commercial case for BESS in GB right now, it’s essential reading.

STOR prices - Part One: Why are prices so crazy in STOR? and Part Two: Is STOR value set to drop by 60%? - Across this two-parter, Alex introduced the concept of overholding and underholding to help explain the volatile prices in the STOR market. These were very similar market inefficiencies to those we’ve seen elsewhere since, and it really opened my eyes to how minor rules in auction design can have a huge impact on prices. Modo is great at these data-driven deep dives, and this is one of the best.

How we create the Modo Leaderboard - Transparency, honesty, impartiality: these are central pillars here at Modo. That’s why this piece by Q felt so refreshing. The Leaderboard is a major part of our offering, and we are confident enough in it to completely pull back the curtain and reveal exactly how it’s put together. I won’t pretend to understand all of it (I’m not a ‘data guy’), but I love the concept and the values that guide it.

The landscape for battery energy storage in Great Britain - Working at Modo is my first experience of the energy industry. I came into it almost completely blind. That’s why I love this report. It’s written in language that is easy-to-understand, regardless of experience. On top of that, it’s great to look at. A lot of my understanding of the industry has come from white papers, whose hyper-minimalist and dry aesthetic stylings can make them a chore to trawl through. This, by comparison, is a feast for the eyes. On top of that, it’s free to download. In fact, we want you to distribute it however you see fit. So, if you haven’t already, go and grab your copy now.

The Energy Academy: How does the Balancing Mechanism work? - I’ve loved creating videos for The Energy Academy on Phase. I could’ve picked any here, but my personal favourite was this one. Even though our audio and visual quality has improved since we made it, this was a joy putting this together. One of the best things about working at Modo is our collaborative spirit, with everyone willing to chip in to help out whenever and wherever necessary. Getting real-time feedback and ideas from everybody throughout the making of this video was the best professional development I could’ve wished for.

Remember to check in with Phase regularly to keep up with all of our latest Insights. We’re going big on content in 2022, so expect to see amazing pieces hitting the platform on a regular basis. And, if there’s anything you want to read or watch, just let us know!

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