15 Feb 2022
Alex Done

Exploring the Leaderboard data in three different ways

The Modo Leaderboard is a powerful tool - it benchmarks revenues for battery energy storage systems in Great Britain. It is an independent, consistent measure of how much specific assets are earning, and of where revenues are being generated.

This information is vital for existing and potential owners of battery energy storage (as well as their operators). That said, when taken in isolation, it can be a crude instrument. This is why it’s important that we provide analysis of and context for the data behind it. In the video below, our Head of Research Alex Done looks at some of the different ways in which we can cut that data.

Alex cuts the Leaderboard data in three different ways.

The graphs

The graph below shows where GB BESS revenues have come from over the past two years.

The graph below shows what different assets were doing, and where their revenues were coming from, in Q4 2021.

The graph below shows what different assets have been doing, and where they’ve been earning their revenues, over the past year.

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