08 Aug 2024
Avery Dekshenieks

Key Capture Energy: How it topped the ERCOT BESS Index in May

In May 2024, Key Capture Energy owned all three of the highest-earning battery energy storage assets in ERCOT.

The majority of Key Capture’s ten sites outperformed Modo Energy’s ERCOT BESS Index in May. In fact, Key Capture’s portfolio earned 54% higher per-megawatt revenues than other batteries in ERCOT (on average).

Avery explains how Key Capture Energy’s strategy has evolved over time.

Modo Energy’s ERCOT subscribers can read the full article below. Learn about Key Capture Energy’s:

  • Revenue breakdown - which markets and services contributed to its May revenues?
  • Capacity allocation - which operational strategies did its batteries utilize, and how did this compare to others sites in ERCOT?
  • Cycling rates - how many cycles did Key Capture’s batteries perform to earn these revenues?

To read our previous comparison of owner portfolios in ERCOT, check out our Q1 2024 Owner Breakdown.

In May 2023, Key Capture’s revenues were 50% lower than other batteries in ERCOT

The high revenues Key Capture Energy achieved in May 2024 are striking - particularly compared to historical performance.

In fact, prior to June 2023, Key Capture Energy’s portfolio consistently underperformed other batteries in ERCOT.

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