28 Sep 2022
James Hazzard

DUoS rates: download the charges for high voltage assets

Want to find aggregated DUoS unit charges (for the financial years 2021-22 and 2022-23)? Click here to download the data!

How do DUoS charges work for high voltage assets?

Distributed Use of System (DUoS) charges are paid by users of the distribution system. They cover the costs of installing and maintaining local electricity distribution networks.

Assets connected at high voltage (HV) to the distribution network pay a combination of fixed charges (p/MPAN/day), capacity charges (p/kVA/day), and energy unit charges (p/kWh). Energy unit charges typically dominate the DUoS charges paid by high voltage assets. At Modo, we use these to help us calculate battery energy storage revenues for our Asset Leaderboard. Battery energy storage assets pay unit charges to import electricity (DUoS), and receive unit credits (gDUoS) for exporting.

Once a year (or more!), analysts trawl through the websites of the various Distribution Network Operators to find the 14 separate schedules of charges - which publish these rates. Perhaps the spreadsheet below will look familiar to some of you!

An example of a spreadsheet containing DUoS charges.
Annex 1 schedule of charges for the various voltage connections. There is one of these for each of the 14 GSPs.

So, we’ve aggregated the DUoS unit charges from all 14 Distribution Network Operators in Great Britain. These are for the financial years 2021-22 and 2022-23, for high voltage sites.

Links to Schedule of DUoS Charges

For those that are looking for some of the rest of the information contained within these Schedule of DUoS Charges, here are the links to them for each of the Distribution Network Operators:

United Kingdom Power Networks:

Western Power Distribution (now National Grid):

Electricity North West:

Northern Powergrid:

Scottish Power:

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks:

If you find this DUoS data useful, please do let us know!

Psst... we’d love your feedback! 🙏

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