
18 September 2024
Wendel HortopWendel Hortop

Skip rates: How have these improved for BESS in 2024?

Executive Summary

  • Battery skip rates in the GB Balancing Mechanism improved from 90% in December 2023 to 76% in August 2024, boosting battery dispatch volumes.
  • System-flagged actions still face extreme skip rates, improving only slightly from 97% to 91%, as they rely on legacy manual dispatch processes.
  • Batteries in North Scotland experience the highest skip rates, as constraint-driven dispatches are disproportionately impacted by system action inefficiencies.

Subscribers to Modo Energy’s Research will also find out:

  • How the Open Balancing Platform and Bulk Dispatch reforms have improved battery dispatch efficiency.
  • Why batteries in certain regions see higher skip rates and how this impacts revenue potential.
  • What further Balancing Mechanism changes could reduce skip rates and improve battery participation.

To get full access to Modo Energy’s Research, book a call with a member of the team today.


The utilization of battery energy storage in the Balancing Mechanism has improved in 2024, but the technology still suffers from “skips”. Battery skip rates remain high for constraint actions especially - the subject of a recent article in the Financial Times. This means different batteries currently face different impacts of skips based on where they are located.

Overall battery skip rates have improved since the end of 2023 - falling from above 90% to 76% in August.

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