
04 January 2024
Shaniyaa Holness-MckenzieShaniyaa Holness-Mckenzie

Balancing Mechanism revenues overtake frequency response in January 2024

The GB BESS Index was £1,870/MW in January 2024. This was a 24% reduction from December 2023. Falling frequency response prices mean the revenue stack for batteries in Great Britain has seen a complete reshuffle in the last three months.

The GB BESS Index represents the average revenue of Balancing Mechanism-registered batteries across frequency response, wholesale trading, and the Balancing Mechanism.

  • Revenues from the Balancing Mechanism overtook frequency response revenues for the first time ever.
  • The Capacity Market generated an additional £1.3k/MW for batteries in January 2024
  • Current indicative triad dates provided battery energy storage systems with an uplift of £514/MW

So what happened in these services, and what does the revenue stack for batteries look like now?

Shaniyaa looks into the revenues earned by battery energy storage systems in Great Britain in January 2024

Dynamic Regulation sees a steeper reduction in price

Frequency response clearing prices fell by 20% in January 2024, a similar reduction to that observed in December 2023. Dynamic Regulation, which averaged £4.36/MW/h, had the most significant decrease in price. Balancing Mechanism-registered units performed more often in the high service, which reduced in price from -£4.19/MW/h to -£5.87/MW/h.

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